4 Easy Tips For Finding The Right Colors For Baby's First Room


Deciding how to decorate your baby's room is a fun task. But it can be confusing if you're a first-time parent. There are as many ideas for how to use colors as there are parents to hear them. You can successfully navigate the world of nursery room paint by keeping in mind a few basic tips.

Go Neutral. If you're waiting to find out the baby's gender, it's a good idea to go ahead and start preparing the room anyway. You can use neutral colors on the walls, then accessorize when you do know the sex of the baby. Trim colors, wall art, fun bedding and furniture can all be used to offset neutral whites, creams or grays on the walls.

Be Artistic. Choose a neutral wall and use it as a focal point by being creative on the wall itself. A large mural, oversize quotation, or stenciled pattern can be a fun way to easily dress up the entire room. You don't need to be fancy with your wall art – a group of building blocks, a few words from a nursery rhyme, or a simple repeated pattern. If you avoid something overly "babyish" for your wall art, you can use it for longer before your child's growth will call for changing it.

Keep it Soft. Although babies can't see many colors at first, using softer colors can be less confusing as the baby's eyes develop. Avoid harsh reds or yellows – which can be overstimulating -- and opt for more soft hues such as sky blue, sea green, or a pale yellow. You can throw in some pops of brighter colors to maintain a healthy energy in the room, as well.

Keep it Cool. Warm colors (such as red, orange, and yellow) can be beautiful but may be a little too stimulating when used a lot. To keep your baby calm and tranquil – and the same for parents – you may want to focus on cool colors like blues and greens. Just be wary of using shades that are too dark -- avoiding making the room feel smaller or gloomy. If you feel you need help knowing how to use cool colors well, it may be best to work with a professional painting contractor like Meyer & Meyer or others. 

Painting and decorating your baby's first room is a very personal process. By knowing how to use colors on the walls and trim, you can make the best space for your growing little one and end up with a room you will love forever as well.


8 June 2016

Talking About Wallpaper

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